Lege Artis Medicinae - 2021;31(01-02)

Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 20, 2021

[Diagnosis and treatment of microvascular coronary heart disease. Specialities of conditions in Hungary]


[Invasive investigations show that in two-thirds of patients the myocardial ischaemia persists without obstructive coronary disease and any other heart conditions (INOCA). The underlying cause may be microvascular dysfunction (CMD) with consecutive microvascular coronary disease (MVD) and microvascular or epicardial vasospastic angina (MVA). The modern practice of clinical cardiology while using the developed non-invasive cardiac imaging permits exact measuring of the coronary flow with its characteristic indices. All of these improve the diagnosing of CMD-induced myocardial ischemia and provide opportunity to determine primary MVD cases. Since the recognition and treatment of MVD is significantly underrep­resented in the Hungarian medical care, the primary stable microvascular angina (MVA) is described in detail below with its modern invasive and non-invasive differential diagnosis and treatment, concerning especially its frequency provoked by high blood pressure and female coronary heart diseases. There are highlighted all recommended diagnostic procedures available under domestic conditions.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 20, 2021

[Vaccines against COVID-19 pandemic]


[The rapidly spreading SARS-CoV2 respiratory virus has evoked an epidemic with serious aftermath around the world. In addition to the health effects, the global economic damage is actually unpredictable. At the same time, the pandemic has launched a series of unprecedented collaborative scientific research, including the development of vaccines. This study summarizes up-to-date information on vaccines, immune memory, and some emerging clinical effects.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 20, 2021

[Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and recommendations for treatment]


[Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is prognosticated to become the 3rd most prevalent cause of early lethality. It’s main etiology is long-term smoking which induces chronic inflammation and obstruction of the airways as well as elastolysis of the pulmonary interstitium which lead to emphysema. Increased resistance of the intrathoracic airways and emphysema induce hyperinflation of the lung and chest which increases the work-load of the respi­ratory muscles. COPD patients are typically hypoxaemic and normocapnic. Finally, fatigue of the respiratory muscles cause the development of global respiratory failure (hypercapnia and severe hypoxaemia). Most effective intervention is smoking cessation. Maintanance treatment includes inhalational long-acting bronchodilators with or without inhalational corticosteroids. Acute exacerbation is treated with O2 supplementation, inhalational bronchodilators, systemic steroids and/or antiobiotics. Frequency and severity of acute exacerbations prognosticate shorter survival. In chronic respiratory failure long-term home O2 therapy can be provided.]

Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 20, 2021

[Interrelations of social phobia, trait anxiety, perfectionism and psychological protective factors in a young female population: Cluster analysis]

DOBOS Bianka, PIKÓ Bettina

[Deterioration of social functions and quality of life and lower level of satisfaction with life are often joining to axiety disorders. Considering the higher prevalence rates across anxiety disorders for women, the aim of this study was to examine the relationship of social phobia with trait anxiety, perfectionism, use of pharmaceuticals, self-efficacy and life satisfaction in a group of young female participants. Online, self-administered questionnaire was used as a method of data collection at different social network sites. The sample consisted of young women aged between 14–35 years (N = 435, M = 27.3 years; SD = 5.9). The questionnaire con­tained items of socio-demographic variables, use of pharmaceuticals as well as mental background variables (Social Pho­bia In­ventory, State-Trait Anxiety In­ven­tory, Mul­ti­dimensional Perfectionism Scale, Ge­neral Perceived Self-Efficacy Scale, Sa­tis­faction with Life Scale). Besides correlation analysis, cluster analysis was conducted. rait anxiety shows strong correlation with social phobia, perfectionism and use of pharmaceuticals. After examining all variables three clusters were emerging: 1) high level of trait anxiety with social phobia, moderate perfectionism, low levels of self-effcacy and satisfaction with life; 2) trait anxiety below the average without social phobia, high self-efficacy and satisfaction with life; 3) trait anxiety above the average with moderate phobia, high perfectionism with high self-efficacy and moderate life satisfaction. Results of our study show that social phobia strongly interrelates not only with trait anxiety as a stable part of personality but with self-estimated lower well-being and lack of mental protective factors. ]

Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 20, 2021


Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 20, 2021

[The LAM is for me…]

KAPÓCS Gábor, TOPA Péter, TÓTH Csaba

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Lege Artis Medicinae

FEBRUARY 20, 2021